School Uniform
At St John’s part of our identity is our school uniform and we pride ourselves in this. Therefore, we ask that you ensure that children are sent to school wearing the correct uniform.
Grey pinafore or skirt, grey tailored trousers, white shirt or blouse, navy knitted cotton cardigan or V-neck jumper with school logo if you wish, school tie, indoor black pumps, sensible black shoes. Summer – Blue and white checked dresses with white socks or grey shorts.
PE Kit
If it is your child's PE day they are expected to wear their PE kit all day. If they are attending a sports after school club please make sure they have PE kit in a bag to change into. Our PE Kit is very simple to allow families to buy affordable kit from most large supermarkets.
Children will need:
- Plain white t-shirt
- Plain navy blue hoodie/zip jumper
- Plain navy blue shorts
- Plain navy tracksuit bottoms
Children will be expected to have indoor pumps for indoor PE lessons and trainers for outdoor PE.
If you child is attending a PE competition we will provide St John's team kit, which we kindly ask to be returned to school once it has been laundered.
All clothing, shoes, bags etc. must be labelled with your child’s name. Please check regularly.
Labelled items are returned to the child as soon as they are found. Any unlabelled lost property is held in the school office until the next lost property display. These displays of lost property are advertised to parents, via the school message system, to enable them to come along and view. All unclaimed items are then disposed of to charity.
Please see the BKCAT policy regarding earrings. This can be found in our policy section.
Children are expected to keep their hair clean and sensibly styled. Exceptional haircuts /shaved / unusual styling may not meet with the approval of the Academy Council. It is recommended that long hair is tied back especially for PE sessions.
Parents often donate good quality uniform to school which their children no longer need. If you would like to access these items please contact the school office who will be able to make this available. We will also make these items available at parent events in school.
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West Yorkshire
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West Yorkshire