St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School, Beckbridge Lane, Normanton, WF6 2HZ

01924 891685

St John The Baptist Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy

Faithfulness, Courage and Respect

Early Years Curriculum

Our Intent

Long term plan and progression document for Nursery and Reception 

Reception Curricular Goals  - We hope your child will be able to do the following at the end of their Early Years Journey 

Knowledge Sequencing in the Early Years at St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School 

 Communication and Language Sequencing at SJB.pdfDownload
 Expressive Arts and Design Sequencing at SJB.pdfDownload
 Literacy Sequencing at SJB.pdfDownload
 Maths Sequencing at SJB.pdfDownload
 Personal, Social and Emotional Sequencing at SJB.pdfDownload
 Physical Development Sequencing at SJB.pdfDownload
 Understanding the World Sequencing at SJB.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Key Vocabulary Progression in EYFS 

Continuous Provision Common Play Behaviours