St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School, Beckbridge Lane, Normanton, WF6 2HZ

01924 891685

St John The Baptist Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy

Faithfulness, Courage and Respect

PSHE Co-ordinator: Mrs Steadman

PSHE at St John the Baptist:

At St. John’s we follow the Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust’s Curriculum we follow the You, Me & PSHE Scheme.  The scheme focuses on seven different stands:

  • Relationships and sex education (RSE)
  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco education (DATE)
  • Keeping safe and managing risk
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Identity, society and equality
  • Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing.

Staff support their teaching using a range of online and interactive programmes, using resources such as Ten:Ten to support our Catholic teachings and coinciding sessions linked to themed weeks such as Mental Health and Child Safety Week.

The You, Me & PSHE scheme of work has been developed by Islington County Council and it is a spiral curriculum, meaning that knowledge is built up as topic areas are re-visited.

We have carefully planned our units of work and adapted the over-arching plan to make it unique and bespoke for our school. We have planned to teach Relationships Education in the first half term of each year so that children are equipped with all of the knowledge and information about their changing bodies. We have planned to teach mental health in the second half term of each year as social, emotional and mental health is an area of great importance for every individual within school – all our pupils and staff. The following units from the scheme will flow from Spring through to Summer.

Through our teaching, we aim to:

  • Ensure children know their mental health is just as important as their physical health and how they can have life-long good health, mentally as well as physically
  • Build children’s self-esteem and confidence in order to have respectful and positive relationships with other people
  • Show respect for all cultures and beliefs through our comprehensive ‘Other Faiths’ scheme and British Values Teaching
  • Teach them the ‘life lessons’ and links to staying safe online & in life, drugs, tobacco & alcohol awareness,
  • Maintain our high aspirations for children’s futures with an emphasis on careers & financial stability

PSHE in Foundation Stage – PSED

It is important in the Foundation Stage to give children a broad, play-based experience of PSHE in a range of contexts, including PSHE activities and outdoor play. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, PSHE is referred to as personal, social and emotional development. This area of our children's learning is concerned with wellbeing – knowing who they are, where they fit in and feeling good about themselves.

Our PSHE Curriculum

 N RSE PSHE Overview.pdfDownload
 R RSE PSHE Overview.pdfDownload
 St John the Baptist RSE Overview 2024 Dec.pdfDownload
 Y1 PSHE Overview.pdfDownload
 Y2 PSHE Overview.pdfDownload
 Y3 PSHE Overview.pdfDownload
 Y4 PSHE Overview.pdfDownload
 Y5 PSHE Overview.pdfDownload
 Y6 PSHE Overview.docx.pdfDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9

Half Termly PSHE and SEMH Day's

The start of every half term will begin with a whole day that focuses solely on individuals’ wellbeing. This begins with an assembly that focuses on one of the Place2Be themes :

  • Let's Connect
  • Growing Together
  • Express Yourself
  • Your Voice Matters
  • Find Your Brave
  • Fruits of the Spirit

The rationale behind having a whole day devoted to PSHE & SEMH means that children’s anxiety about coming back to school is reduced ; time is allocated to focus purely on mental health and wellbeing ; class cohesion is improved with focused time on social skills and staff are able to focus on reducing barriers to learning that may have arisen over the previous period of time.

Other learning opportunities during the day would include:

  • Circle Time for class cohesion
  • Meditation, yoga and calm breathing skills
  • PSHE Initial Assessment time
  • PSHE lesson one

Relationships Education Co-ordinator:  Mrs Steadman and Mrs Hartley

Relationships Education at St John the Baptist:

Following consultation with parents please see below our Relationship Education (R.E) links with the Ten Ten resource we use in school. We have also sent parents a username and password to access the Parent Portal through the Ten Ten website. Please contact school if you would like any support with this.

Below are curriculum links to whole school progression documents and useful information from the DfE, including 'Frequently Asked Questions'. If you have any further questions or would like any further information please contact school. 

Letters to Families for Year Group Content:

 Relationships and Health Education letter for Nurs Sept 2024.pdfDownload
 Relationships and Health Education letter for Rec Sept 2024.pdfDownload
 Relationships and Health Education letter for Y3 Sept 2024.pdfDownload
 Relationships and Health Education letter for Y4 Sept 2024.pdfDownload
 Relationships and Health Education letter for Y5 Sept 2024.pdfDownload
 Relationships and Health Education letter for Y6 Sept 2024.pdfDownload
 Relationships and Health Education letter for Year One Sept 2024.pdfDownload
 Relationships and Health Education letter for Year Two Sept 2024.pdfDownload
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RSE Whole School Overview

 RSE - Early Years.pdfDownload
 RSE - EYFS - Progression of Skills.pdfDownload
 RSE - KS1 - Progression of Skills.pdfDownload
 RSE - KS1.pdfDownload
 RSE - LKS2- Progression of Skills.pdfDownload
 RSE - LKS2.pdfDownload
 RSE - Progression of Skills.pdfDownload
 RSE - UKS2- Progression of Skills.pdfDownload
 RSE - UKS2.pdfDownload
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Important Documents

Please use the links below for DFE guidance and answers to 'Frequently  Asked  Questions'